Ott Discography 20022008 FLAC
Ott Discography 2002-2008 FLAC
Ott is a British record producer and musician who has worked with Sinéad O'Connor, Embrace, the Orb, and Brian Eno, and has achieved recognition since 2002 for his own psychedelic dub tracks and his collaborations with Simon Posford (Hallucinogen / Shpongle) . He has released two albums on Twisted Records: Blumenkraft (2003), Skylon (2008), and three albums on Ottsonic: Mir (2011), Fairchildren (2015) and Heads (2022).
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FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, and its a digital audio file format like MP3, but with a significant, important difference: it is a lossless file type meaning that no audio data is discarded during the encoding process. This results in significantly larger files than MP3, but you can rest assured that theres no detail missing from the files youre hearing . FLAC supports a range of bit depths and sampling …