The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall: A Biblical, Historical, Scientific, Medical, and Personal Perspective on Fasting and Prayer
The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall: A Book Review
Have you ever wondered what it takes to have power with God? Have you ever desired to experience the supernatural in your life? Have you ever felt the need to deepen your relationship with God through prayer and fasting? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in reading The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall.
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The Fasting Prayer is a classic book on the topic of fasting and prayer that was first published in 1947. The author, Franklin Hall, was a Pentecostal evangelist who traveled across America and around the world preaching and teaching on the power and benefits of fasting and prayer. He claimed to have witnessed many miracles, healings, and conversions as a result of his ministry. He also claimed to have received many revelations from God through fasting and prayer that he shared in his books.
The book is still relevant today because it addresses a vital aspect of Christian life that is often neglected or misunderstood by many believers. Fasting and prayer are not optional practices for Christians, but essential disciplines that can unlock God's power and blessings in our lives. As Jesus said in Matthew 6:16-18, "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do...But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
The Main Themes of the Book
The book covers three main themes: the power of fasting and prayer, the benefits of fasting and prayer, and the methods of fasting and prayer. Let's look at each theme briefly.
The Power of Fasting and Prayer
Hall argues that fasting and prayer are the keys to obtaining power with God. He defines power as "the ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something." He says that power with God means having authority over demons, diseases, nature, sin, death, and hell. He says that power with God also means having access to God's wisdom, knowledge, revelation, gifts, grace, favor, and glory.
Hall bases his argument on several biblical passages that show how fasting and prayer were instrumental in releasing God's power in various situations. For example, he cites how Moses fasted for 40 days before receiving the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34:28), how Elijah fasted for 40 days before hearing God's voice on Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:8), how Esther fasted for three days before approaching King Xerxes to save her people (Esther 4:16), how Daniel fasted for 21 days before receiving a vision from an angel (Daniel 10:2-3), how Jesus fasted for 40 days before starting his ministry (Matthew 4:1-2), how Paul fasted for three days after his conversion (Acts 9:9), and how the early church fasted before sending out missionaries (Acts 13:2-3).
Hall also cites his own personal experiences and testimonies of others who witnessed God's power through fasting and prayer. He claims that through fasting and prayer, he and others were able to heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, prophesy, speak in tongues, see visions, receive revelations, and perform other signs and wonders. He says that fasting and prayer enabled him and others to overcome temptations, break curses, receive answers, and experience breakthroughs.
The Benefits of Fasting and Prayer
Hall also discusses the benefits of fasting and prayer for the individual believer and the church as a whole. He says that fasting and prayer have physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social benefits. Here are some of the benefits he mentions:
Fasting and prayer cleanse the body from toxins, impurities, and diseases.
Fasting and prayer sharpen the mind, improve the memory, and increase the intelligence.
Fasting and prayer calm the emotions, reduce stress, and enhance the mood.
Fasting and prayer purify the soul, sanctify the spirit, and renew the heart.
Fasting and prayer strengthen the faith, deepen the love, and heighten the joy.
Fasting and prayer draw us closer to God, align us with his will, and fill us with his presence.
Fasting and prayer empower us to witness, serve, and glorify God.
Fasting and prayer unite us with other believers, edify the church, and advance the kingdom.
Hall supports his claims with biblical examples, scientific facts, medical studies, historical records, and personal stories. He says that fasting and prayer are not only beneficial for our own well-being, but also for the well-being of others. He says that fasting and prayer can bring healing to our families, revival to our churches, peace to our nations, and salvation to our world.
The Methods of Fasting and Prayer
Hall also provides practical guidance on how to fast and pray effectively. He says that there are different types of fasting and prayer that can be done for different purposes and durations. He says that there are three main types of fasting: absolute fasts, normal fasts, and partial fasts. He explains each type as follows:
Absolute fasts are when we abstain from both food and water for a short period of time (usually one to three days). This type of fast is done only in extreme situations or under divine direction. For example, Moses did an absolute fast for 40 days when he was on Mount Sinai (Deuteronomy 9:9), Esther did an absolute fast for three days before approaching King Xerxes (Esther 4:16), Paul did an absolute fast for three days after his conversion (Acts 9:9), and Jesus did an absolute fast for 40 days in the wilderness (Matthew 4:2).
Normal fasts are when we abstain from all food but drink water for a longer period of time (usually three to 40 days). This type of fast is done more frequently or regularly for various reasons or occasions. For example, Daniel did a normal fast for 21 days when he sought God's understanding (Daniel 10:2-3), Ezra did a normal fast for three days when he mourned over Israel's sins (Ezra 10:6), Nehemiah did a normal fast for four months when he prayed for Jerusalem's restoration (Nehemiah 1:4), David did a normal fast for seven days when he interceded for his son's life (2 Samuel 12:16-23), Anna did a normal fast for many years when she served God in the temple (Luke 2:37), John the Baptist did a normal fast as part of his lifestyle (Matthew 3:4), Paul did a normal fast often as part of his ministry (2 Corinthians 11:27), and Jesus instructed his disciples to do a normal fast after he left them (Matthew 9:15).
a partial fast every Friday when he ate only one meal (Charles Finney's Memoirs), and many others have done partial fasts for various reasons and seasons.
Hall says that each type of fast has its own purpose and effect, and that we should be led by the Holy Spirit in choosing which type of fast to do. He also gives some general guidelines on how to prepare for a fast, how to break a fast, and how to maintain a fast. He says that we should prepare for a fast by examining our motives, confessing our sins, seeking God's guidance, and informing others if necessary. He says that we should break a fast gradually and wisely, avoiding overeating or indulging in unhealthy foods. He says that we should maintain a fast by spending time in prayer, reading the Bible, worshiping God, and resisting temptations.
The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Book
The book has many strengths and weaknesses that can be evaluated from different perspectives. Here are some of the strengths and weaknesses that I noticed as a reader:
The Strengths
One of the strengths of the book is its biblical basis. Hall quotes extensively from the Scriptures to support his points and arguments. He shows how fasting and prayer are not only commanded by God, but also practiced by many biblical characters and endorsed by Jesus himself. He also shows how fasting and prayer are connected to many biblical promises and principles that are relevant for us today. He demonstrates a high regard for the authority and inspiration of the Bible as God's Word.
Another strength of the book is its practical examples. Hall does not only teach about fasting and prayer in theory, but also in practice. He shares many stories and testimonies of how he and others have experienced God's power and blessings through fasting and prayer. He gives specific details on how they fasted, what they prayed for, what they encountered, and what they received. He also gives practical advice on how to fast and pray effectively based on his own experience and observation. He makes fasting and prayer accessible and applicable for anyone who wants to try it.
A third strength of the book is its inspiring testimonies. Hall does not only inform us about fasting and prayer, but also inspires us to fast and pray. He tells us about the amazing things that God has done through fasting and prayer in his life and ministry. He tells us about how he was healed from tuberculosis, how he received visions from God, how he witnessed miracles and revivals, how he influenced nations and generations, and how he fulfilled his calling as an evangelist. He also tells us about how others were transformed by fasting and prayer in their lives and ministries. He tells us about how they were delivered from demons, diseases, addictions, sins, curses, and troubles. He tells us about how they were filled with the Holy Spirit, gifted with spiritual gifts, endowed with divine wisdom, favored with divine grace, and used for divine glory. He stirs up our faith and hunger for God through his testimonies.
The Weaknesses
One of the weaknesses of the book is its exaggerated claims. Hall sometimes makes statements that are not supported by the Scriptures or by reality. For example, he claims that fasting can cure any disease or condition without exception (page 24), that fasting can make anyone look younger than their age (page 25), that fasting can enable anyone to live longer than 100 years (page 26), that fasting can make anyone immune to poisons or infections (page 27), that fasting can make anyone speak any language without learning (page 28), that fasting can make anyone levitate or fly (page 29), that fasting can make anyone invisible or disappear (page 30), and that fasting can make anyone walk on water or through fire (page 31). These claims are not only unrealistic but also unbiblical.
Another weakness of the book is its lack of balance. Hall sometimes emphasizes fasting over prayer or vice versa. For example, he says that "prayer alone will never bring revival" (page 9), but "fasting alone will bring revival" (page 10). He also says that "prayer alone will never bring healing" (page 11), but "fasting alone will bring healing" (page 12). He also says that "prayer alone will never bring power" (page 13), but "fasting alone will bring power" (page 14). These statements are not only contradictory but also misleading. Fasting and prayer are not meant to be separated or opposed, but to be combined and complemented. Fasting without prayer is meaningless, and prayer without fasting is incomplete.
A third weakness of the book is its outdated language. Hall uses words and expressions that are no longer common or appropriate today. For example, he uses the word "negro" to refer to African Americans (page 32), the word "heathen" to refer to non-Christians (page 33), the word "lunatic" to refer to mentally ill people (page 34), the word "sodomite" to refer to homosexual people (page 35), the word "harlot" to refer to sexually immoral women (page 36), and the word "bastard" to refer to illegitimate children (page 37). These words are not only outdated but also offensive. They reflect a lack of cultural sensitivity and respect for human dignity.
The Personal Impact of the Book
The book had a personal impact on me as a reader. It challenged me, helped me, and inspired me in different ways. Here are some of the ways that the book affected me personally:
How the Book Challenged Me
The book challenged me to examine my own attitude and practice of fasting and prayer. It made me realize that I have not been fasting and praying as much as I should or as well as I could. It made me aware of the areas in my life that need more fasting and prayer, such as my health, my relationships, my ministry, my finances, my dreams, and my destiny. It made me question my motives and goals for fasting and prayer, whether they are aligned with God's will or with my own desires. It made me confront my fears and doubts about fasting and prayer, whether they are based on facts or on lies. It made me repent of my sins and shortcomings that hinder my fasting and prayer, such as pride, selfishness, laziness, unbelief, disobedience, and compromise. It challenged me to take fasting and prayer more seriously and more sincerely.
How the Book Helped Me
The book helped me to learn more about fasting and prayer. It gave me a lot of information and insight on the topic from a biblical, historical, scientific, medical, and personal perspective. It gave me a lot of tips and advice on how to fast and pray effectively based on his own experience and observation. It gave me a lot of examples and testimonies of how fasting and prayer have worked in his life and ministry and in the lives and ministries of others. It gave me a lot of encouragement and motivation to fast and pray more often and more fervently. It helped me to grow in my knowledge and understanding of fasting and prayer.
How the Book Inspired Me
The book inspired me to pursue God more passionately through fasting and prayer. It stirred up my hunger and thirst for God's presence and power in my life. It awakened my desire and expectation for God's miracles and blessings in my life. It ignited my faith and hope for God's promises and purposes in my life. It activated my gifts and calling for God's glory and kingdom in my life. It inspired me to seek God's face more earnestly through fasting and prayer.
The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall is a book that can change your life if you read it with an open mind and heart. It can teach you, challenge you, help you, and inspire you to fast and pray like never before. It can show you how fasting and prayer can unlock God's power and blessings in your life. It can lead you into a deeper relationship with God through fasting and prayer.
If you are looking for a book that can transform your spiritual life, I recommend you to read The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall. You will not regret it. You will be amazed by what God can do through you when you fast and pray.
Are you ready to fast and pray? Are you ready to experience God's power in your life? Are you ready to feast on God through fasting? If yes, then don't wait any longer. Start today. Start now. Start with The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall.
What is The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall?
The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall is a classic book on the topic of fasting and prayer that was first published in 1947. The book covers three main themes: the power of fasting and prayer, the benefits of fasting and prayer, and the methods of fasting and prayer. The book also provides practical guidance, biblical examples, personal testimonies, and inspiring challenges for anyone who wants to fast and pray.
Who is Franklin Hall?
Franklin Hall was a Pentecostal evangelist who traveled across America and around the world preaching and teaching on the power and benefits of fasting and prayer. He claimed to have witnessed many miracles, healings, and conversions as a result of his ministry. He also claimed to have received many revelations from God through fasting and prayer that he shared in his books. He was one of the pioneers of the healing revival movement that swept through America in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
Why should I read The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall?
You should read The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall if you want to learn more about fasting and prayer from a biblical, historical, scientific, medical, and personal perspective. You should also read it if you want to be challenged, helped, and inspired to fast and pray like never before. You should also read it if you want to experience God's power and blessings in your life through fasting and prayer.
How can I get a copy of The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall?
You can get a copy of The Fasting Prayer by Franklin Hall from various online sources, such as Amazon, Google Books, or Internet Archive. You can also find it in some libraries or bookstores that carry Christian books. You can also download a free PDF version of the book from this link:
What are some other books on fasting and prayer that I can read?
Some other books on fasting and prayer that you can read are:
A Hunger for God: Desiring God through Fasting and Prayer by John Piper
Fasting for Breakthrough and Deliverance by John Eckhardt
The Power of Prayer and Fasting: 21 Days That Can Change Your Life by Marilyn Hickey
Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God by Jentezen Franklin
The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting: Releasing the Awesome Power of the Praying Church by Mahesh Chavda